Category Archives: anger

‘I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.” Mahatma Gandhi

I’m so very tired of all the political rhetoric that is traipsing, uninvited, through my life these days.  Everywhere you turn, there’s bias.  No-one fact checks anything anymore.  People forward emails that contain vile untruths.  They post links on Facebook to sites that spew hatred, stir up controversy and advocate whatever action the site’s bias proposes, lawful or not, ethical or not, moral or not.  Pundits and political hacks go on TV talk shows and say anything to garner support.

Worst of all, many of these postings are made by people who purport to have strong religious beliefs.  Most seem to think that said religious beliefs justify their actions or emotions.

Why on earth would you want to spill your hatred into my life?  Why on earth would you think that I don’t have a brain of my own and that I’m not going to fact check anything you send me/post on my FB page?

Are you so emotionally delusional when it comes to your interwoven religious/political beliefs that you feel compelled to try and influence me with this garbage?  Is your hate-driven bias so out of whack that you don’t understand that I don’t feel the same way?

“I thought love was black and white … that it was wrong or it was right.” That’s a quote from a Missy Higgins song.  (Oh my goodness!!  I just posted a quote by a woman of questionable sexuality!!  See, that’s the kind of nonsense I’m talking about.)

But the truth is, I do believe that love is black or white.  There shouldn’t be any gray when it comes to love.  And Christians who profess love for Christ and their fellow man should remember that people of differing political opinion are ‘fellow men’ nonetheless, regardless of their political skew, religious affiliation or sexual slant.

I fear I fall flat on my face when it comes to understanding how you can say you’re a Christian and then walk around judging all and sundry simply because they don’t agree with you.   How you can justify vilifying another human being based on rumor or gossip or an inflammatory email or text message you got but didn’t check the validity of?

For me, the worst of the worst are those people who decide you are not a ‘good Christian’ because your political beliefs don’t line up with theirs.  Really?  You think Jesus would line up with your thinking?  You think he’d be pleased with the hatred, the bias, the desire to ruin someone’s life or reputation because you think they aren’t ‘Christian’ enough because of their political views?

My faith is personal and intimate and there is no room for this nonsense.  Not unless I’m prepared to let it all cloud my relationship with God, which has nothing to do with politics!  I will NOT let you walk through my mind with your dirty feet.

See, these are the things that make me agree with Gandhi when he said “It’s not Christ I have a problem with.  It’s Christians”. So why am I only going after Christians?  Well, truth is, I don’t care if you’re Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist or if you belong to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster,  the only vitriolic emails and texts I’ve had came from fellow Christians.  Christians who get behind politicians because of their religious affiliation, and not the content of their character.  I’ve gotten emails from people advocating for politicians who are dishonest, deceitful and completely untrustworthy if you just check their backgrounds.  But hey, they stand up there and espouse Christian causes and that’s all it takes to garner support from fellow Christians.  That’s not faith, that’s branding.  Sort of like Derek Jeter holding a Coke when he’s being interviewed.  And I’m sorry, but the end does not justify the means.   Just because someone says they’re a Christian is not sufficient reason to vote for them.  Not if their character doesn’t line up with the teachings of Christ.  Note I said character, not the political causes they give voice to.

Remember back to those early days, just after you first accepted Christ into your life and older Christians told you when in doubt, think about what you would do if Jesus were coming to dinner.   What books/magazine would you display, what music would you listen to etc. etc.  I’m sorry, but if Jesus was sitting next to you when you receive that email or text, would you forward it?  If He was with you when you get into a heated discussion with strangers at a political rally, would you share that gossip you heard, even though you haven’t checked whether it’s true or not … it’s just too juicy and will stir up feelings against that ‘enemy’ that are just too good to pass up?  If He was with you when you heard a politician justify their affair/ financial dishonesty/  sexual ambiguity/ lie about military service/ devious slander against an opponent etc etc etc would you still stand by that person, helping them get elected, elevating them to a position of influence, knowing that they don’t really live the life Jesus would expect them to live?  If Jesus was with you, would you still hold those political opponents to a standard you don’t expect your ‘Christian’ politicians to keep?

No, you wouldn’t.  and you know it.  So before you hit the send button on that next email/text message, before you pass along that salacious gossip or vitriolic slur, remember who you stand up for.  Remember who you represent and remember, He knows.

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Filed under anger, bias, Faith, politics, truthfulness